Monday, October 14, 2013

What's Mike Dillard Up to Now?

This is all happening a bit fast - but becoming a millionaire shouldn't take forever...

Here is where I have to apologize.

You see, I heard about this coming out earlier, but was skeptical. If you've been burned as many times as I have, you'll be "once burnt, twice shy" too.

But then I watched the videos.

The problem in earning extra income online is that it can take years to learn this stuff - even if you don't get suckered meanwhile.

The solution is having a trusted mentor - one that's been there, done that - who can ask you just the right, pointed questions and show you where to look for answers.

You want to follow people, not just because they look and sound authoritative, but because they have a track record of creating the same success that you want.

Mike Dillard is known for becoming a millionaire in his late 20's from his spare bedroom with Network Marketing. (That's his Magnetic Sponsoring product-line.)

What to do with all those millions became his next question, so he started Elevation Group - and made 8 figures with this as well.

However, it just doesn't quit. Dillard has always been all about help. He wants people to succeed. He wants people who are willing to learn, apply that knowledge, and work hard - to get the millions they earn. Mike also considers that it doesn't have to take a lot of time.

So he's starting this Elevation Income.

The reasoning behind this is simple: retirement and the jobs market isn't what it used to be.

They sent out a survey and asked people an interesting question…
"How much money do you have left over each month to invest, after you pay all of your bills?"

The results? A bit of a shock, perhaps:

  • 4,532 people responded and 62% said they had less than $500 left each month after their bills!

After digging into some more data, they found that 57% of Americans have less than $25,000 in total savings.

Other data came up that most people couldn't quickly raise $2,000 to cover an emergency.

How to you expect to "comfortably retire" when you are worrying about money every month?

In order to do something about it, so they're holding a free training series this week called "Elevate Your Income," and their goal is simple:

  • They're going to show you how you can substantially increase your monthly income by starting a simple, profitable business within the next 90 days, in almost any industry you want, while also addressing the many pitfalls, questions, and doubts that can come with this subject matter.

Here's why these guys know their stuff:
  • Mike started his first business when he was dead-broke and waiting tables, and that business has gone on to produce more than $25,000,000 in revenue.
  • Robert sold one of his first businesses to Expedia when he was in his 20's.
  • 36 months ago, they started a second business, which produced over $3.2 Million in their first 7 days.

And the best part? They've boiled their process down into a simple, 3 step formula they're going to teach everyone during this free training series.

What they are promising to produce - if you want a simple, step-by-step, A to Z plan on how to start and build a successful business - is a course on EVERYTHING… From how to come up with a million dollar idea, to scaling up your business to multiple 7 or 8 figures and everything in between.

After I've seen these video (plus some insider skinny I'll share over the next few days) I can believe what they are about to release.

If you want to radically improve your income, catch up by watching this free training series Mike and Robert are holding on how to do exactly that.

See you on the other side.
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